Saturday, April 9, 2011

Using RSS

This weeks assignment of using an RSS  was sweetly surprising how simple it was to use, and how useful of a tool it is. This is one of the first assignments in a while where I can say that I will really apply this lesson, and incorporate it into my day. Having all the websites that I visit in one area is really handy. For me time is so valuable that anyway I can save myself time, it is worth it. All the feeds I chose to use, except for one, I follow anyway. The technology site really won't be that useful to me currently. I don't stay up to date with new technology rather rely on friends as my source. Even though I have this feed on their and could easily check it myself, I would still prefer to talk with my friends. It will probably come off my site soon so that I can add more feeds without it becoming cluttered.

All the other feeds such as the news, weather, USA Eventing and the Satorialist I know that I will use. I follow them several times a week if not everyday. The difference is that now it will save me time as I can log in to one primary source. So nice!

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